Gotta Bounce... to an Engineering Offsite

Amber Y. Infrastructure Engineer
- Apr 6, 2011
Here in Yelp Engineering, we spend lots of time working on useful and cool stuff for Yelp users of all sorts—consumers, business owners, and even our own Community Managers. Sometimes though, it’s nice to take a break and go hang out with your coworkers for a bit.
What better place to “hang out” than a few feet up in the air? Our most recent offsite took us to House of Air, a giant indoor trampoline park. After getting a brief safety introduction from HoA’s “Flight Crew” the team hit the trampolines, and well… I think these say it all:
Of course, why stop at just trampolines, when you can add big red dodgeballs?
That’s right - not only does House of Air have a giant trampoline grid, they also have a trampoline dodgeball colliseum. After some quick team organization, the dodgeball matches began:
More cool pictures are after the “jump”… though if you’re on a mobile device, you might want to refrain!
Final verdict? Would bounce again!