April Events at Yelp!

Julia N., Senior Events Specialist
- Apr 12, 2013
Last Tuesday, we stepped out of our technical meetup norm and hosted an event group whose mission is to improve the lives of women around the world. Spark is an organization comprised of a network of young philanthropic entrepreneurs. Their members offer pro bono services to up-and-coming women’s organizations. Spark works on a global level to reach out to the next generation’s leaders and offers mentorship opportunities to young women.
We love what they are doing and are happy to announce that we’ll be hosting them again next month! Come visit us on May 15th for a movie screening of Wonderwomen! The Untold Story of American Superheroines! Check back in next month’s blog for details about the event.
We also hosted a special HTML5 student mixer that highlighted projects from Howest University, Belgium’s top web design school. Several current students presented their work and we were able to see how they applied their studies to today’s app market. Tim van Damme, Instagram’s Head of Design, also made a guest appearance and touched briefly on launching apps designed for millions of users. He spoke about what to expect from target audiences and what designers and developers should be able to deliver. He also reiterated something we value at Yelp: keeping engineering teams small.
This week, we had an exciting presentation from another one of our regular meetup partners, the San Francisco Python Meetup Group. They invited Roy Hyunjin Han, a developer of priority risk models used to ensure that cities run effectively using spatio-temporal forecasting, to educate us on how to develop web applications using the newest release of the Pyramid framework. Pyramid is Python’s general, open source web application development framework.
Upcoming April Events:
- Thursday, April 18, 2013- 6:30PM- The Future of Infographics ( Designers + Geeks)
- Tuesday, April 23, 2013- Learning About Styles and Themes in Android ( The San Francisco Android User Group)