Guido is coming to Yelp -- to talk about Tulip!

Michael, VP of Engineering
- Oct 3, 2013
We’ve been brewing up some cool events for October! We took a break in September to move into our new digs, so please come to the right building :)
Yelp is primarily a Python shop, so we are especially excited to be hosting the language’s creator, also known as the Benevolent Dictator for Life, Guido van Rossum, for a talk on his work replacing Python’s async I/O libraries with something called Tulip. We’ve also got a bunch of cool talks on Venture Capital brought to you by Women Who Code to a SFHTML event where Chris Wilson is talking about WebRTC.
Full list of Upcoming October Events (RSVP by clicking on the links):
- Tuesday, October 8, 2013- 6:30PM - Venture Capital Investor Panel ( Women Who Code SF)
- Wednesday, October 9, 2013- 5:30PM - All About WebRTC with Chris Wilson, Ben Strong and Dan Ristic ( SFHTML5)
- Wednesday, October 16, 2013- 6:15PM - Hear What Guido van Rossum Has to Say About Tulip ( San Francisco Python Meetup Group)
- Thursday, October 17, 2013- 6:30PM - Find Your Must ( Designers + Geeks)
- Thursday, October 24, 2013- 6:00PM - CSS3 Workshop ( Girls Develop It)
- Tuesday, October 29, 2013- 6:45PM - Functional Monthly- Session 5 ( The SF JavaScript Meetup)