Yelp is happy to announce that we’re headed to the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing conference in October!

Admiral Grace Hopper was a pioneer in computer science. She was a driving force behind the development of English-based programming languages and an inspiring example of how intelligence and perseverance can overcome technical and cultural adversity.

The Grace Hopper conference, presented by the Anita Borg Institute and ACM, is the largest gathering of women in computing in the world. Its mission to “connect, inspire, and guide women in computing and organizations that view technology innovation as a strategic imperative” is a perfect tribute to the incredible Grace Hopper.

Yelp’s delegation this year is composed of engineers from a diverse selection of teams, from mobile to frontend to backend to infrastructure. We’re looking forward to meeting tech women from all over the world to swap stories, experience, and expertise.

We’re also excited about this year’s talks. Our ‘must see’ lists include:

If you’d like to learn more about life as a Yelp Engineer, have great ideas about how to make our app better, want to know what’s up with all those dog photos, or have the urge to shoot the technological breeze, come find us - we’d love to chat! We’ll be wandering around the conference and you can also come find us at booth 532 in the Career Fair.

Speaking of the Career Fair, we will be accepting resumes there as well as online. If you’re attending Grace Hopper, here’s a Super Special Grace Hopper link. The page might say New Grad, but we’re happy to take all applications through this special link.

Stay awesome, keep coding, and see you in Phoenix!

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